
Showing posts from September, 2020

Pihitia Station

This week we went to Pihitia Station.  At Pihitia Station we got to do lots of stuff including shearing a sheep, watching farm dogs chase sheep and much more.  First, we got to watch a cow get milked while we were doing this we shook a jar of cream to make butter.  We also got to have a little bit of whipped cream.  Our next station was watching meat getting cut. When the butcher cut the meat he got each part of the meat into a pile, there was ribs, chops and all that other yum stuff.  

The 3rd station was the station where we got to weigh sheep.  We all had to sneak around the side of the fence to lure the sheep into the weighing machine.  After that, we weighed the sheep, if the sheep was too light we would put them in a different barn but if they were a good weight they went into another one and were sent off to the butcher.

After the sheep weighing, we went to check out the farm gadgets we got to watch a drone being flown it was pretty cool.  Next, we went to the sheep shearing where they were shearing sheep. The guy there chose Max to shear the sheep and Anroux to pull out the sheep. After the sheep shearing, we ate some food then went to the pest control station.  In there we found out how they kill wild cats and about stoats rabbits and possums.   


last week we made an ice cream sundae, the day that koka terri left.  First we had to make instructions but the thing was we made them without knowing that we were actually going to use them to make an ice cream sundae.  We had a buddy to read ours for us some people didn't mention spoon so they were eating with their hands.  Rori Max Cash and Milo ate with their hands luckily I mentioned spoon so I wasn't eating with my hands. 

I think I should have added put a lot of sprinkles on my ice cream cause I said sprinkle a small amount and koka terri did 1 spoonful while the others got 2.  I had to read Max's and lets just say it wasn't the best first he didn't mention sprinkles then he was eating with his hands.  But Max's wasn't bad compared to Cash's, Cash had forgot about a spoon chocolate sauce and marshmallows.

LTP Beach

 This week in learning through play instead if doing the usual stuff we went to the beach.  The first time we went me and my friends made a massive hole with 2 seats on the edge.  We also made some sand balls to throw at each other.  I made a perfectly round sand ball and threw it at Momo.  

After that time at the beach we headed back and went home.  This time when we went to the beach I helped make a throne with bay for a while but then left to do some flips on the dunes.  After some time reef came to do some flips with me then Momo came.  Then I had a goal a goal to land a side flip I didn't succeed